In: Allgemein
31. Mai 2014
(BRA) Santos – Studio Rock Cafe

We play at Studio Rock Cafe in Santos and we experience the strangest concert-live situation we’ve ever had. It’s a room inside the room, we are separated from the audience by thick glass. Feels almost like an aquarium! Inside it feels like we are playing in our rehearsal room. Anyway we are enjoying the show and the crowd loves it too! We are having a lot of fun. Thank you Santos!
30. Mai 2014
(BRA) Sao Paulo – Da Leoni
29. Mai 2014
(BRA) Sao Paulo – Sensorial Discos
26. Mai 2014
(BRA) Jundiai – Virada Cultural
25. Mai 2014
(BRA) Botucatu – Virada Cultural
24. Mai 2014
(BRA) Araraquara – Almanaque

First show of our second tour in Brazil. It’s so great to meet all our friends in the beautiful orange city of Araraquara. We have a fabulous tour crew and except for little sickness of Florian we are in a good mood. Showtime is postponed to 2 o’clock at night. Brazilian style. Jet Lag. Brahma. Life is good!