In: Live
6. Juni 2019
The Great Acceleration: Tour Brazil 2019
We are going on tour in Brazil in July! Confirmed are the following shows:
July 05 SAO PAULO @Z Largo da Batata
July 06 MARINGA @Tribo’s Bar (Sonic Flower Club)
July 10 CURITIBA @Jokers
July 11 ARARAQUARA @Araraquara Rock Festival
July 12 SAO PAULO @Casa do Mancha (Eu Te Amo Records Apresenta)
In Sao Paulo on the 5th we´ll be joined by Edgard Scandurra for a special performance and on the 11th we´ll perform a couple of songs with Chuck Hipolitho of the Forgotten Boys. Muito legal! Check the tourtrailer:
3. Dezember 2018
The Great Acceleration Tour 2019

Die Releaseparties, der Rolling Stone Weekender und die Support-Tour mit Adam Angst waren der Hammer! Anfang Januar legen wir nochmal nach mit 4 Shows. Kommt vorbei!
09.01.2019 Oberhausen – Druckluft
Support: Mat Reetz (
10.01.2019 Köln – Helios 37
Support: Mat Reetz (
11.01.2019 Karlsruhe – KoHi
Support: Marco Pleil (
12.01.2019 Bremen – Zollkantine
20. August 2016
Retrospective: 1000 Points Of Light (Live in Brazil)

2014 we returned to Brazil to play the Virada Cultural Festival. Great shows with great brazilian artists. We shot a live-video for 1000 points of light where you can catch a glimpse of what was going on in South America:
17. November 2015
Retrospective: Touring Brazil & Argentina

4 years ago we had the chance to go on tour in South America. 3 weeks playing wild and crazy shows in Brazil together with our friends from Eletrofan.
Check out the documentary with impressions from this amazing tour:
14. April 2015
Retrospective: Fortune Live

While on tour with Kashmir, The Hold Steady and Teenage Fanclub in 2010 we collected some video-footage from our performances and put together a little collage for our song „Fortune“. Click to see the clip!
24. November 2014
Retrospective: Touring Russia

It is 4 years now that we´ve been on tour for the first time in Russia. We´ve played some amazing shows in Moscow and St. Petersburg. With us was our friend Deniz Jaspersen from Herrenmagazin who did some „tourmanaging“ for us. Great times and a lot of fun!
Here is also a little documentary about our trip: